Concession Stand volunteers:

We have several time slots that were not filled with volunteers for the concession stand.  If you have a boy, please sign up to work at the girl's game and vice versa.  If you have a player on each team, you can sign up to help clean up after the game instead.  We need at the help we can get, so please contact Joy Moses at Come on everybody and pitch in! Thanks to those who have already volunteered.

Bojangles Fundraiser

Players will be receiving 5 Bonjangles discount cards to sell for $5 each by March 4.  Please contact Nina Faix at for additional information or questions. 

Bake Sale: 

We will have a bake sale on Sunday, Feb. 28th at Kroger from 12 to 4.  We are in need on donations for baked goods, tables to set up and volunteers.  Please contact Amy Rice if you can help.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated.

Save the Date:

JMS Soccer dance-

Friday, April 30th.  Details coming soon 

Concession Stand Wish List:

 We will be collecting items that were signed up for on the wish list during both practices on Wednesday.  We need these items to begin operating the concession stand on Thursday.  If you have not signed up for a donation yet please contact Amy Rice- or 770-312-7165

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