Welcome to the Jasper Middle School soccer website. Jasper Middle School is located in Pickens County. The school is located at 339 W. Church St. Jasper, GA 30143. Phone: 706-253-1760 Our head coach is Coach Steve Biles. He has quite an extensive background in soccer- playing in club level adult soccer, playing soccer at Georgia Tech, and coaching recreation and school soccer for several years. Assisting him this year is Jonathan Faix, teacher at JMS, who serves as the school representative. Also, we are lucky to have a community volunteer with collegiate soccer experience, Jerry Greer, assisting the coaching staff. Girls vs. Sonoraville (Scrimmage game) above Boys vs. PCMS (Feb. 23rd) below |
8th grade players will be recognized Monday, March 29th. Girls will be recognized at the boys half time and boys at the girls half time. Parents please make it a point to be there to walk out on the field with your child. The JMS Soccer team would like to express their gratitude to the following team sponsors: Crescent Bank and Royston.
Boys vs. PCMS (Feb. 23rd) above Girls vs. PCMS (Feb. 23rd) below |